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Electricity Price Review


The electricity production by wind turbines in March 2021 reached 11.46 TWh, which was 2.71 TWh lower than in 2020. Compared with the value from the previous month, the procured energy was 2.78 % higher than in February, corresponding to an increase of 0.31 TWh. In addition, the attained energy from PV systems in March 2021 is about 4.13 TWh, which illustrated an increase of 107.35 % or 2.14 TWh than in February. The electricity generation from PV systems slightly increased from last year’s value in by 30 GWh.

Together, wind and solar produced 15.6 TWh of green electricity, with a maximum production of 1.11 TWh reached on Friday, March the 12th, and a minimum production of 188 GWh on Thursday, March the 18th. The highest value of wind electricity production was on the same day, Thursday, March the 11th, as the minimum production by PV systems. In percentage terms of monthly production, wind turbines have generated 73.48 % of the total combined electricity production.

In March 2021, negative electricity prices on a day-by-day basis occurred for the Phelix Day Peak on March the 28th (- 0.71 €/MWh), whereas none occurred for the Phelix Day Base. The maxima for the Phelix Day Base and the Phelix Day Peak were reached on Thursday, March the 18th, with 64.86 €/MWh and 72.49 €/MWh, respectively. The minima for the Phelix Day Base occurred on March the 13th, with 11.93 €/MWh. The monthly averages were at 47.27 €/MWh and 47.26 €/MWh, respectively, for the Phelix Day Peak at and for the Phelix Day Base.

Markt und PreisDay Ahead - Phelix Day BaseIntraday - stündlich / kontinuierlich
Monatsmittel47.16 €/MWh46.85 €/MWh
Minimum11.93 €/MWh-66.30 €/MWh
Maximum64.86 €/MWh93.40 €/MWh
Quelle: https://energy-charts.info/charts/price_spot_market/chart.htm?l=de&c=DE&year=2020&interval=month&month=12&zoom=minus

Phelix March 2021

Quelle: EPEX, SPOT, 50Hertz, Amprion, TenneT TSO, TransnetBW
Windstromerzeugung (11.46 TWh)
PV-Stromerzeugung (4.13 TWh)
Phelix Day Peak (Ø 47.26 €/MWh)
Phelix Day Base (Ø 47.27 €/MWh)

Sums of Monthly Wind and Solar Power Generation in the past 13 Months

Quelle: EPEX, SPOT, 50Hertz, Amprion, TenneT TSO, TransnetBW
Wind [TWh]
PV [TWh]

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4initia GmbH
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10117 Berlin

p: +49 (0)30 27 87 807-0
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